
This month's recommended books

Hey!! This month's recommended books are:

«Brazen by Pénélope Bagieu» 
Originally called Les Culottées and divided in two tomes, Brazen, translated in many languages, explores the theme of feminism and women who made history across the globe. A common characteristic that connects all of them is their indomitable spirit, the courage to change their lives for the best, by raising their voices, changing history, bringing peace to their nations... Brazen is a comic book shoring female role models some of them world-famous, and others little known. From the journalist Nellie Bly to the actress Margaret Hamilton (namesake of the astronaut), from Josephine Baker to the first female gynecologist Agnodice. This book is sure to inspire the next generation of rebel ladies.

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«The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood»

Set in a despotic and autocratic place, called the Republic of Gilead. Here, Offred, the main character, is a Handmaid who lives in the house of the Commander just as an "object" to procreate, since the Wives cannot give birth to the children of their husbands, the Commanders. She can leave the house once a day to walk to get food and lie on her back and pray to get pregnant, once this will happen, she will just be "thrown out" like an old pair of shoes, to go to the next Commander. It's a never ending circle where Offred (the name comes because she's a property of Fred, her actual Commander) remembers her past with her husband, Luke, and their daughter, who she hasn't seen since this horrifying republic started. In some parts of the book, that was first published in 1985, we can clearly see that some of the things that happen, didn't really change for women, there is not a progress for equality, where women are blame to be sterile when they can't get children, because "it can't be the men's fault", or that they need to have a children before 35, because if not, it would be wrong or weird. Even though it was written many years ago, it still actual, especially in some countries of the world. Atwood published a sequel last year called "The Testaments". 

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«Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed»

This book is an autobiography of a 22 years old woman, Cheryl, that when her mother died and her marriage failed, thought she lost everything she had. Four years after all these events she decides, since she has nothing else to lose, to go on a hike of more than a thousand miles of the PCT from Mojave Desert through California, Oregon to Washington State, without any experience and alone. This book tells her journey through pain, loss of shoes, nails and cold and hotness, but also some friendships along the way and good memories. It's an inspiring book that makes you understand that if you want to do something, even if it's the most impulsive thing you've ever done, it can make you stronger, heal you.

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